Energy engineering minor

- Energy minor: Application (PDF)
- Energy minor: Minor Completion Form (PDF)
Eligibility requirements
The following prerequisite courses must be taken for a letter grade and must completed with a combined GPA of 3.0 or better.- MATH 1A, 1B, 53, & 54 (PHYSICS 89 may be substituted for Math 54)
- CHEM 1A &1AL or CHEM 4A
Course requirements
- MECENG 40 or ENGIN 40, or approved equivalent
- ELENG 137A
- (Choose one) ENE, RES 100, CIVENG C106, CIVENG 107, or CIVENG 111
- Architecture 140
- City and Regional Planning 119
- Civil Engineering C106, 107, 111, 113, 115, 156
- Electrical Engineering 134, 137B
- Energy and Resources Group 100, 101, C180
- Engineering 120, 194
- Environmental Economics 147, C151, 153, 154
- Environmental Science, Policy & Management 102D
- Geography 142
- Industrial Engineering Operations Research 172 or Statistics 134
- Materials Science 136
- Mechanical Engineering 106,109
- Nuclear Engineering 161
- Political Economy 101
- Public Policy 187
Admission requirements:
The Energy Minor is open to any undergraduate who has:- Declared a major on the UC Berkeley campus
- An overall GPA of at least 3.0 at the time of applying
- Completed ALL lower division requirements as listed in the “Eligibility Requirements” section above with a combined GPA of 3.0 or better.
- Applied at least one semester prior to graduation (you are NOT on the official degree list). No exceptions.
Graduation requirements:
To be given credit for the Energy minor, undergraduates must:- Fulfill all course requirements
- Maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 in each of the required upper division technical courses.
Application process
Submit the following electronically to after completing all of the lower division course requirements, and apply at least one semester prior to graduation (you are NOT on the official degree list) :- Energy Engineering Minor Application Form (PDF)
- Copy of Academic Summary from CalCentral
- Course Plan (Proposed semester-by-semester academic plan through graduation)
Graduation details
Upon completion of course requirements:- Complete the Minor Completion Form (PDF)
- Submit form electronically to Note: This must be done no later than two weeks before the end of the semester.